Rates Actions Summary

In March 2023 a petition was submitted to Council appealing for rates equity for CCRC Graziers with 679 signatures. This was the most recent appeal to Council, with great efforts also made by others in the past.

The council chose to not act on the petition submission in the 2023 – 2024 budget and instead elected to establish a Rating Advisory Committee made up of 12 participants from a cross section of CCRC rate payers to make recommendations in regard to changes to rates for the 2024-2025 budget.

There was a similar Rating Advisory Committee process in 2016. One recommendation from that 2016 report was to reduce the share of rates primary producers pay. At the time primary producers paid 30% of the general rates, it was recommended to reduce the primary production contribution to 25% of the total general rates over the medium term with an immediate reduction to 27.2%. Unfortunately, 6 years on, the first reduction target still has not been met, despite a tailwind for the council of 310 new residences in that time.

Breaking grazing out as a separate category was tabled at that forum in 2016 but did not get the required support to recommend the change in the report to council.

A Cassowary Coast Grazier Association committee member has been selected by council to represent Graziers at this next rating advisory committee forum. It is very important to provide an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide input in order to establish a consensus position for the expectations in regards rates changes.

Should Graziers have success in the Rating Advisory Committee forum, there is a real chance some further efforts will be required to ensure council adopt the changes.

This process may well be an ongoing need for years to come to ensure Graziers receive and retain a fair outcome. In is envisioned that this Association will build in strength and provide an entity to strive for fair outcomes for its members well into the future.

Given recent unsuccessful efforts have been made to seek rates changes from council there is also an option for a submission to the Ombudsman, this is another consideration for members.

Are you a stakeholder and not a member? Please take a minute and apply to be a member, it’s free. The membership application form can be found on the “contact us” page of this website.

Members, please take the time to submit a survey.