Cassowary Coast Graziers Association Governance Guidelines

An unincorporated association


There is currently no means to communicate between all Cassowary Coast Graziers, and no localised entity to present a strength of numbers in the support of graziers. In order to address this issue this Unincorporated Association is being established; an Unincorporated Association is the simplest way to formalise a group with a common interest. An Unincorporated Association can transition to an Incorporated Association should the majority of members wish.

This governance document is not a formal requirement of an Unincorporated Association but recommend as best practice.


The association is being established as a means to enable Graziers and industry stakeholders to provide input and receive updates on achieving, and in time, retain Rates Equity. Also, to create a formal entity with strength in numbers to help achieve this objective.

It may also provide a platform for sharing localised best practice, industry news and may prove valuable in the event of a biosecurity breach.


Any person who grazes livestock in the Cassowary Coast Local Government Area or is an industry stakeholder may apply to be a member by submitting a membership application via the CCGA website.

The committee will review applications and inform applicants if they were successful or not.

A membership can be revoked for behaviour adversely impacting the Association.

All Members are responsible, liable and accountable for their own actions, comments and behaviour.


There will be no fees unless the majority of members support a fee for a specific reason, supported with appropriate changes to this document.

Register of members:

A register of members will be held with the minimum amount of data to still be practical.


Area farm is located (if applicable)

Email address

Phone number


The committee members role will be.

  1. Governing the Association
  2. Managing day to day running of the association
  3. Ensure the association is managed professionally, ethically, transparently and responsibly.
  4. Ensure the Association acts in pursuit of its purpose.
  5. Review and assess membership applications.
  6. Review these association guidelines and recommend changes. Any changes must be by way of a ballot, supported by the majority of responding members.

A committee has been put in place to establish the Association.

Any member can apply to be on the committee. A ballot will be held nominally 12 monthly to elect committee members.

A committee member can be removed by resolution of the members.

The committee may determine how often it will hold meetings.

The minimum number of committee members should be 3, and for efficiency the maximum should be 7.

General meetings:

General meetings maybe called by the committee; a committee member will chair the general meeting.

Funds and assets:

The association is not intended to receive funds or hold assets. Guidelines to manage funds and assets should be addressed in this document should that change in the future.

Sponsorship for group events or specific projects that benefit the members as a whole may be acceptable with committee approval. Sponsorship will be made known to members.